Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Working and Waiting....

Today I was thinking about our daughter Alyssa, like I usually do many times during my day. I am always thinking about what she must be doing at this time or that. Krasnoyarsk is exactly ahead of eastern time by 12 hours. I am always wondering if she is having a good day or a bad one. I hope that a small part of her remembers our visit with her, and that she remembers who her mama and papa are. For the past few days I have been printing out pictures from our trip for family and friends. I am also burning DVD's from the video we took. It really amazes me how she responded to us in such a positive way. She was a little bit leery of Wade, just because we were told ahead of time that most of the children do not see men at the orphanages. There are usually only women caregivers. We found out that she really loves music, and that she is very inquisitive!!! I found out this past weekend that my sisters are having me a baby shower on July 5th. Everyone is so excited to see Alyssa when we bring her home. I also got a call tonight from a friend at church who said that they would also like to throw Wade, Alyssa and I a toddler shower!!! Our church family is amazing!!! They have been there for us through this whole journey so far. The Lord has blessed our family and this entire adoption journey. We have made so many new friends, and there are so many people that are willing to give to us their prayers and blessings, it really takes my breath!!! Little does our daughter realize just how much she is already loved!!! I can't wait to share Alyssa's picture, but for now that will have to wait. We cannot post her picture until after court. Just know, that she is absolutely beautiful, and so full of life!!! How did we get so blessed???

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