When we began this adoption journey I would always think about all of the things that Alyssa would learn and do when she joined our family. I would tell Wade, "I cannot wait until her first Christmas, her first birthday, the first trip to the zoo, and her first day of school". Now that she is home all of that is coming true!! It is so amazing to watch her learn something new each day. Each new day brings a new experience for her, and for us!!! A couple of weeks ago we had a very warm day on the weekend, so we broke out the new wagon!! She really liked it, until mommy got tired of pulling and we had to stop. We took a little trip down the road and back, and then a small trip into the play yard to visit with Toby and Wendy. I think that her favorite thing to do besides play with daddy is visit with and feed the dogs a treat!!! She is a definite animal lover!!! We cannot wait for summer to take her to the zoo in Knoxville.
The next picture was of Alyssa playing in a box from her diapers. Wade would put her in it, and they would race around the house and through the air like an airplane. She loved it also, until the sides of the box gave way!!! I guess I know what the next diaper box will be used for!!! HA HA HA !!!!
The next picture is one our absolute favorites!!! This was Alyssa's first day of church. This little dress was so cute. We had not seen her in one since she was in Russia at the baby home. She is really a girly girl. She loves to wear dresses and pretty shoes!!!
The next picture is of her first Valentine's Day. She was not too crazy about the whole thing, until I gave her some chocolate M&M's!!! It was the ones that come in a mini M&M little guy container. She is definitely like her mama!!! Loves that chocolate!!!
The top picture is of Alyssa sitting in the front seat of daddy's Mustang. She really likes his car. She really likes to push the horn!!! She helped daddy move the car in and out of the garage last Friday on his day off. He really looks forward to taking her to his car shows this summer. We hope to give her the little Mustang pictured in an early post this coming fall if she is big enough. We may take it with us to a few car shows and see if she can win a trophy!!!!
We would again like to thank everyone who asks about, and says a prayer for our family. We have so many people still watching this blog, and I am afraid that I am not keeping up so good with the posts. I will try to post more often so that you can watch our little Alyssa grow in her new family.
Wade and I are so very blessed to have her as our daughter!!! She makes us laugh and cry happy tears everyday!!
With all of the hardship going on right now in our country this happy journey gives us all something to be thankful for!!! Even though this country is under a tremendous amount of stress right now, be so very glad that we live in this free country!!! There are many, many people in this world who are not as fortunate as we are to live in the United States.
Please say a small prayer for all of those orphan children here and overseas who may never know what it is to have a "family". We became so blessed to bring little Alyssa into ours......
God Bless...